Nature is unique in its representation.
Energy and matter laws are similar on Earth and in the far Universe. Electromagnetic fields behave according to the same laws on the Sun and near the black hole.
We might expect similar laws inside the human body. No, there is no magnetic reconnection in the brain like it happens in the Sun. However, similar kinds of nonlinear processes are taking place there, and on this level of abstraction, we can see the uniqueness of nature.
During the magnetic reconnection in plasma, the magnetic energy accumulates strongly until the moment when the system cannot sustain the initial configuration in balance anymore, and then the configuration breaks. It is a drastically and explosive process. This is a switch to convert the accumulated magnetic energy to the acceleration of plasma and particles, the energy is released, and the system comes back to balance without stresses.
Similarly, during the therapy, the initial configuration is brought to stronger tensions, while we go deeply by the path the path paved by fears, towards the key pain. The moment of falling down into the key pain is the reconnection of the initial mind-body configuration which is the used pattern of thought and emotions. The energy is released. It is drastical. Mind liberates. The body gets energy for living, acting, and creating.