MY PATH AS A THERAPISTMy journey began with getting acquainted with the Satori Healing method, E. Guskova, which became the principal tool I use daily when working with people. The Satori Healing method combines approaches from Integral Neuroprogramming from S. Kovalev, Meditative techniques for working with the body and mind (various classical and modern Eastern practices of working with the focus of consciousness), Recall Healing method from J. Renaud, and aiming to help people recognize and work through their key internal psycho-emotional conflicts underlying various issues, including psychosomatics.
I also use Sophrology methods, which combine various hypnosis techniques and Eastern techniques for working with the body and mind in meditations, aimed at establishing the connection between the mind and body and training the brain to function effectively in solving the life tasks people face. Further additional methods enrich the techniques that I use:
Neurophysiology and Philosophy of Meditation (L. Kutuzov, Yoga Association, St. Petersburg, Russia)
Master in Biology (M1) "Life and Health Sciences", Paris-Saclay University
Collaboration and exchange of experience with colleagues at the
Advanced Psychology Institute, NJ, USА, provides an additional resource for the development of methods.